The Flow that fits your moment is the...



What is the Fluctuating Flow?

The Fluctuating Flow is designed to be your anchor in this formula, offering a versatile practice that helps stabilize your nervous system when you’re experiencing rapid shifts between states. In Functional Freeze, it’s common to cycle between feelings of being functional and overwhelmed, between moments of high anxiety and emotional numbness. These fluctuations can be disorienting and exhausting, leaving you feeling unstable and unsure of how to regain balance.

This flow addresses the fluid and dynamic nature of Functional Freeze. Whether you’re feeling pulled between activation (SNS) and partial shutdown (PNS) or are caught in a cycle of fluctuating emotions and energy levels, the Fluctuating Flow helps bring your system back into a more stable state. It works by gently balancing the SNS and PNS, helping you find a middle ground where you can rest, recover, and reconnect with yourself.

You might find yourself using the Fluctuating Flow at different points in your day, especially when you notice that your nervous system is cycling or that you’re having difficulty staying grounded. This flow can be particularly useful in those in-between moments, where you’re neither fully calm nor fully activated, but somewhere in between—perhaps cycling through both within short periods.

Practicing the Fluctuating Flow regularly—ideally daily, or at least several times a week—can help you develop greater resilience against these internal shifts. Over time, it can become a go-to practice that you use whenever you feel your energy or emotions starting to fluctuate, offering you a way to stabilize and center yourself quickly.

The flow begins with three key acupressure points that can be pressed or massaged to initiate a calming or stabilizing effect, even if you don’t have time for the full practice. These points are designed to be your quick-access tools, allowing you to start the process of regulation anytime, anywhere. When you have more time and space, you can then move on to the full flow, which integrates grounding exercises, breathwork, gentle movements, and other techniques that work on a deeper level to foster calm and balance.

The flow gradually guides you through standing exercises that ground your energy, seated movements and breathwork that bring focus to your core, and finally, floor-based practices that allow for a full release of tension. The sequence concludes with a guided visualization, integrating quantum healing as a way to restore balance on a cellular level. This final step offers a deeply relaxing and restorative experience, helping you embody a sense of safety and protection.

Remember, the goal of the Fluctuating Flow is not to achieve a perfect state of calm but to give you tools to better manage the natural fluctuations in your nervous system.

What You’ll Explore in the Fluctuating Flow

  • Acupressure points to initiate calming and stabilizing effects during emotional or energetic shifts
  • Grounding exercises to center your energy and provide stability
  • Rhythmic breathwork and gentle movements to balance your nervous system
  • Visualization techniques to promote deep relaxation and restore a sense of balance
  • Practices to help you navigate fluctuations and find a middle ground between activation and rest

You are just a page away from starting the Fluctuating Flow practice! Turn to the Fluctuating Flow section in The Functional Freeze Formula to explore this flow in detail and begin balancing your energy.

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If this tool resonated with you and you’re ready to dive deeper, you can find the full Fluctuating Flow practice—and so much more—in The Functional Freeze Formula...

...which is the first holistic framework designed to help you break free from Functional Freeze, heal your nervous system, and regain control of your life.

Click below to get your copy and take the next step in your healing journey.